Tuesday 1 July 2008

The doctor, the solicitor and the photographer....

Just a normal Monday then. So this solicitor phones up the paper, "I need a picture of a doctor, in a white coat, holding a stethescope". The request then comes to me, the easy route out would to declare defeat and just nab a pic of flickr, but I'm not like that. I already know that the solicitor in question is not sane, I just need to find a GP who's just as loopy.

First call is to my GP. He's up for the idea but busy. So the next call is to the health centre to see if any doctors have a sense of humour. One does. The bail out plan was to hire the white coat and scope and get the solicitor to examine himself on his office desk.

Three men in a room and the GP is so up for this gig that he starts getting out all sorts of heck knows what. The next thing I know is the defibrillator is out and switched on, the electronic voice starts commanding people who are not listening... "check airways.....". Well no one was listening apart from the solicitor who was now starting to look a little freaked. He was still happy that all this sillyness was happening around him.

"Give me a blank look...., no more blank than that.... blanker! Put the stethescope on his forehead doctor...". Shot is in the bag, then another close up shot with the GP making insanity gestures with his hands.

Who said press editorial work isn't fun?

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