Friday 26 September 2008

Foyle Fashion Week - Thursday

A much better evening catwalk. A break in the middle just broke the evening up nicely and gave the audience a bit of time to run to the bar and back again. Perfect.

The catwalks were much more fluid tonight, a couple of them really shone. Highlights in terms of collections were the finalists of the Fashion Academy and Jarayd F's new season of stuff. The Fashion Academy designs were brilliant, my fave still being the paper creation that took the poor lass SIX MONTHS to make and took me 1/125th of second to photograph.

The aftershow party at the Red Rooms was good, I did feel a little old but nothing to worry about. People who want their photo taken jump in front of the camera and when they get bored you can usually get the feel that the end of the night is nigh.

1 comment:

Denise Drummond Scott said...

Congratulations on the First foyle fashion week. I came up to the City from Belfast on Wednesday night for the Show in the Everglades Hotel. The Models did an excellent Job and the clothes were amazing. Well done Donal and team. Denise Scott (Uber)