Friday 19 September 2008

Irish Dancing with attitude

No shoot is ever the same. Recently I've taken to doing some daft stuff at the end of shoot and it's usually those shots that the publications go, "hey wait a minute, let's use that one".

Irish Dancing has some protocols when it comes to photographs, I call it the "pointy toe theory" because when anyone is in Irish Dancing attire and has their photo taken the pose is practically automatic.

The Allen School of Dancing win awards left, right and centre and they are a good bunch to photograph. Once I'd got the main stuff out of the way I heard a under breath comment of, "wish we could do one posey". I just looked at the lass and said "yeah, let's do a big posey group shot".

Easy, totally relaxed and I was loosing light rapidly (as you can tell from the light falloff from the flash).

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